Friday, June 11, 2010

Measuring Tape...Step 1

So, when my mom was here a few weeks ago, she brought me PART of this super cool project to finish! I was super excited and couldn't wait to get started. My plan was to do it by myself after the kids had gone to bed... but then my children saw that I had bought paint!! After that, doing it by myself was a dream...
So, I got some old T-shirts, some old paint brushes and laid down some paper bags on the kitchen floor. I was going to do it outside, but I prefer the side-walk to stay UN-painted... Come to think of it, I should have risked the side-walk, not my kitchen floor :)
Anyway, they got started. I would pour the pain on the board, and they would paint like crazy! I think they went through an entire bottle on just one side....cause they always needed "more paint!" I had to go back through when they were finished and fill in un-painted holes and even everything out, but they actually did a fairly decent job...
It's great...just drying outside before we do the next step....

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